The Secret Life Of STACKY ANGEL!
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Me Stuff



Well right now I'm single. But I want some....y'know! Liam is looking very tasty recently and I think we shoud fuck, don't you? Well I like John but I don't know what's going on between them at the moment and I'm meant to be her best mate (according to her). Yeah erm... I'm loving up craig even tho I reckon he hates me *pouts* SO UNFAIR! I owe my parents £300!!! BASTARDS! Just cause I went to portsmouth to see mest, got really drunk, fell over and had to have two stitches in my chin, lost my phone and coat and then had to phone people *cries* WHY LORG WHHHHHHHHHY! Anyways apart from that it's all gravy baybee! I jsut need some sex and my band to get on the road and my life is sexylicious and perfecto!

Spiral, Horizontal Line Spinning

Me Beating up Jo hahahaha




Name: Stacy Nicola Jane Johnson

Other Names: Stacky Angel, Stay-C da Lyrical MC

Date of Birth: 31/08/86 (I'm 18 this summer *YAY*)

Gender: girl

Friends: me, my sisters Tin Tin (Tina) Yenga, Johanna, yenge, Bob, Jess.

Family: mum, dad, 3 sisters (Kimberley, Tiffany & Whitney), 1 lil' bro (Wesley) and a cat called Titi.

Men: oh I love them...Joel Madden, Keanu Reeves, Paul walker *drools* John Way (some guy) lalala! Liam Francis, Josh...the guy, Craig Marsh mmmmm *drools*

Women: Well I aint gay, but I love Angelina Jolie and Janet Jackson...Oh & Aaliyah (*RIP gurl*) and Brody Dalle

Past times:writing songs and stuff, shopping, partying, going to gigs, hanging out with my friends and family, drooling over fyyyyne men! sexing heh heh.

Movies: The Matrix (s) all the way...and The Nightmare Before Chrismas, that film RULEZ!

Job: dropped out of college, shitty part time at safeway in Hatch End (feel free to burn it down!) and loking for a new job.

Dream Job: to be famous, don't care how...I'll be a porn star dude, aslong as I'm famous!

Status: single (but hey i don't need no man!)

Food: crisps, chinese and cake... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Drink: Malibu (and coke), or you no...stawberryade

Clothes: my short little skirts, or my big baggy jeans and cut up beer festival tshirt

Shoes: my pink addidas shelshoes

Place: a queen sized bed with Joel Madden (hey it might happen!)

Smoke: Yep

Sex: of course not...heh heh Yeah

Loves: men, food, dancing, sleeping, singing, writing, sexing

Hates: all crappy annoying things in the no like war and crappy people!

Spiral, Horizontal Line Spinning

Lokkie What I Made (with my sad life!)

