Once apon a time there was a girl called Stacy Nicola Jane
(aka the best!!!!!!!!!!!!). She ruled the whole of all the lands and everyone loved her, and she loved everyone in return.
One day she was told that she had to go and visit the country
of the Bluroneyzics where she was loved the most.
She felt happy that she was going to be visiting her most
faithful little land, but she was also in distress because she remembered
and incident that happened in Blureona. She had met her
ex-boyfriend Kenny there, who turned out to be crazy, she would have
stayed in beautiful Blureona if it wasn't for that psychopathic
bastard!!!! She was scared that she would see him and she hoped
that she wouldn't.
Stacy slept through most of the flight to Blureona. Once
she had arrived on the sunny coast of Blureona she was happily approached by a fine looking man who said "Hello miss Stacy,
my name is Philip and I'm going to be your loyal and faithful sexy bodyguard".Stacy gave a devilish smile and grabbed his
arm and said "Lets do it then babe". So he escorted her to her baby blue convertible limo which was very long, like the 'ride'
they had (X-Ratedness).
After the extremely long limo ride they had arrived at
the luxurious hotel. Philip and Stacy stumbled out of the limo still returning their to their bodies. Philip went to the boot
of the car to collect the bags, while Stacy went into the hotel to get thier room key.
As she entered the hotel she saw none other than her ex-boyfriend
Kenny doing an Irish jig on the reception counter, NAKED!!!!!!!! Kenny jumped off of the counter at the sight of Stacy and
ran towards her. Stacy screamed and dropped to the ground in hysterics. Kenny said " Why are you laughing at my naked body?
Don't you find it attractive?". "No, your banna looks like an unripe piece of shit!" she replied with tears of laughter running
down her face.
Philip appeared in the doorway and said "Hey babe whats
going on?" then Kenny and his naked self fled and wasn't seen for the rest of the night.
After a beautiful romantic evening Stacy and Philip returned
to the hotel. Stacy went to get thier key while Philip went of to the toilet.
"Key 569 please" Stacy asked. Then she heard a familiar
voice say "Anything for you my love.". Then he pressed a button and 'sex bomb' started to play. She saw Kenny climbing up
onto thereception counter once more, and he started riping of his clothes while doing, what looked like a sad attempt to dance.
Stacy screamed at him "Why don't you just fuck off? I don't
like you, in fact I HATE YOU!!!!!". Kenny just looked at her and went "I'll fuck you! Your sexy when your mad grrrrrrrrrrrr"
and made a claw shape with his hand. He put what was meant to be his man hood in Stacy's face when Philip appeared in the
doorway of the lift and Kenny not realising this just gladly carried on with his sad ass shit!
Philip dived at Kenny, with a knife in his hand thinking
he was trying to rape his beloved, and accidently sliced Kenny's 'wannabe' man hood off. Kenny shrieked like a woman and said
"Hey that's all I had left to show my manly hood! You sons of bitches!!!". Stacy replied "Well then you have just as much
manly hood as yesterday." and gave an evil cackle.
Arm in arm Philip and Stacy walked toward the lift that
would that them to their room, leaving a pennisless Kenny on the floor wailing for his lost 'man hood' (not that he had any
in the first place).As the two love birds approached their luxurious Philip proposed to Stacy, and off course she said "Yess
my beautiful manly love, I would love to be your wifey and have your beautiful babies!!!!!!!!!!!".
The next week they were married and off to their honey
moon to Karckanio. And of course a couple of days later Stacy fell pregnantwith ten, yes TEN babies inside of her.
And so they lived happily ever after with their five boys
and five girls who got married with their naked ex lovers wannabes and made millions of kids!
One day Stay-C was watching a drive by shooting in the Ghetto where she lived. The
Ghetto was a bad place but she loved it, bustin' caps in peoples asses, robbing old ladies. That's what you call good livin'
baby, she thought to herself smiling. The only thing that bothered her is she couldn't find a man up in this joint she thought
as she jacked a car so she could get home.
When she arrived at her crib she saw her next door neibours bustin' out, and taking
all their shit with them. "Hey where y'alls takin' your punk asses?" Stay-C hollared at them. "We're takin' our asses away
der's some new playa movin' here from up town and we owe dem big...we aint gettin' our asses killed biatch" one of them sceamed
as the car sped off. "Whatever pussys" Stay-C said bopping up into her crib.
The next day Stay-C and her home-boyz St.Paul and Lil'Billy were just cotchin' in
her palace when St.Paul said "What's all this shit comin' up in here?". "I dunno dawg" Stay-C told him looking out of her
window "but we goin' find out boyz" she said leading them to the front door.
They saw a load of trucks and vans outside of the crib across the street from her.
She saw a load of hired help unloading the trucks and vans and taking all the shit inside, she saw two white boyz, twins,
telling them what to and not to touch. "Hey white boy, who's movin' up in here?" Stay-C asked as she walked towards them.
"What's it to you biatch?" the shorter twin asked. "Who you callin' biatch G" She said ready to bust him right there "I'm
Stay-C da Lyrical MC, don't nobody be comin' up in my hood and be callin' me no biatch!". "Oh sorry girl, we didn't know who
you was sista. Kimbo Darko" said the more polite, and fyne twin. "Oh yea' I heard she one big playa yo" Stay-C said casually
looking about. "Yea' yea' yea', I'm Kid Vicious, and dis' be my bro Sick Boy" he said pointing in his brothers direction "Y'all
can call me Kid though baby". "Yeah whtever dude, dis' is my thugz Lil'Billy and St.Paul" Stay-C told them. "What up" they
both said to the twins.
Stay-C and the boyz went about their day as usual, they broke into a liquor store
and robbed a bus (haha) and mugged two old ladies and a single mother. They were just cruisin' goin' home when someone started
shootin' up on them, "Bitch ass mutha fuckaz" Lil'Billy said swerving the car. "Who's shootin' up on us" St.Paul said looking
out of the back window. "I dunno foo'" Stay-C said setting him a gun and getting out her out. Just as Stay-C and her boyz
started shootin' back at their attackers they saw the twins cruise by, "Get outta here" Sick Boy shouted, throwing something
in the direction of the attackers. "Shit yo, dats some bomb G" Stay-C said as they all jumped out of the car and ran for cover
as the attackers got blown up, and their ride. "Oh fuck dude" said Lil'Billy "How we gunna bounce now yo". "Hey get in biatchs"
they heard Kid Vicious say pulling up behind them. They jumped into the car "Hey nice ride Kid" St.Paul said. "In the car
they were introduced to TinTin, she was Kimbo Darko's cousin. "Nice to meet you Stay-C" She said. "Yea good to meet you yo"
Stay-C said shaking her hand as they drove off to meet Kimbo.
"Yo yo yo!" Kimbo said as her boyz and Stay-C walked into her crib. "I'm Kimbo Darko
y'all and welcome to my domain" she said twriling around. "Yea, yea I'm Stay-C da Lyrical MC" she said sitting herself down.
"and dese are ma thugz" Stay-C said looking at her boyz. "Yes, well sista I know dat dis be your hood and I came up here to
get you on my crew, so you can bounce wit me and my homees" Kimbo said sitting next to her. "You want me...and ma boys to
roll wit you and your peeps" Stay-C looked at Sick Boy, he was so damn fine and she wanted him. So if she rolled in the same
crew as him maybe there would be a chance for a little one on one bedroom action. "Sure I'll bounce wit y'all, it's good for
my rep. yo" Stay-C said standing up to leave, when she felt someone spank her ass. She twisted his arm and flipped him over
while turning round, It was Kid Vicious. "Hey biatch don't be puttin' yo white ass hands all ova my fyne ass!" she said leaving
the room.
"Hey Stay-C what up wit dis yo!" Lil'Billy said as they entered the crib "We already
own dis shit hole we don' need no approval from dem punk asses". "Yea I no dawg but we need all da back ups and thugz as we
can get G!" Stay-C said putting her hand on his shoulder "You no Big Bubba D be comin' here soon and how he be hatin' on me!".
"Yea and he got some beef wit Kimbo to yo" said St.Paul backing her up.
A few days went by Kimbo would do someone in for Stay-C and Stay-C would return
the favour. "Yea yea yea we up in da house" shouted a drunken Kid Vicious. Stay-C was cruising with her boyz and Kimbo's boys,
she thought this was her chance to get lucky with Sick Boy. "Hey G calm down on da beauty juice just coz we be kickin' some
ass don' mean we should be lettin' our guard down!" Lil'Billy said worrying as always. "Look we can enjoy dis time we off
da job yo" Stay-C said dowing some malibu. "Hey baby wanna go somewhere private" Sick Boy whispered to Stay-C. "Yo jus' say
da word white boy" she whispered back.
Stay-C and Sick Boy went to and old abandoned house and started to get it on, when
suddenly the door flew open. "Shut da door yo!" Stacy said carrying her "exercise". "What are you doing in her...kids nowadays"
some old lady said. "Hey biatch" she said getting up and zipping up her trousers "Don't make me have to bust a cap in yo fat
white ass G". "Yea" said Sick Boy standing up and doing the same. "You can leave now" said the old lady. "Mutha fucka! you
didn' hear us biatch" Sick Boy said punching her in the face. "Yea dats rite baby" Stacy said joining in.
When they had both finished giving the woman the beating she deserved they both
got up and went to leave. Then they heard some shooting going on outside. "Oh shit yo dats Big Bubba D's boy sexy mama" Sick
Boy said to Stay-C getting out his gun. "Yea" Stay-C said getting out hers.
When they went back to Kimbo's the next day they told her about what happened. "Shit
dude! What was it Baby Bub and Dawg Bone?" she asked. "No foo' I iced der asses a year ago" Stacy said rubbing her forehead.
"Hey" said Lu-C da biatchin' hoe from da Ghetto walking through pinching Sick Boys ass. "Big Bubba D's back in town yo" TinTin
told her. "What?" Lu-C da biatchin ho from da Ghetto asked "Oh well I done dat tight ass biatch" she said walking out of the
room. "Here's what we gonna do y'all, we gotta find his domain and cap his ass!" Kimbo told them. "Tin Tin you tkae Stay-C's
boys" she told her. "Stay-C you take my boys" she said and Stay-C nodded. "And you Bobby E ur takin' your crew ya head, we
gotta ice dis mutha fucka!" she yelled. "YEA!" everyone shouted in unison throwing their fists into the air.
The next night they were all outside of the Big Bubba D domain in their positions.
"Hey where's Sick Boy gone to?" Stay-C asked Kid Vicious. "Oh I dunno, probably fuckin' dat ho from da ghetto" he told her.
"What hoes dawg" she said. "Yea yea...sexy baby" Kid Vicious. "What G?" Stay-C said before Kid Vicious attacked her sexually,
but it was nice so she let it carry on...up against the wall for an hour. "Hey we gotsta sto now Kid ya heard" Stay-C told
him "We gotta be bustin' some biatchs". "Ok yo, but we gotta do dat again sometimes" he said winking. "Hey yo I found a way
in G" said Sick Boy running up to them. "Let's go den biatch" Stay-C said. As they walked to the way to get in they saw two
men coming out. "Shit dis must be his new boyz" Kid Vicious said looking at them. "Hey dudes dats Henric Kunter and...what's
dat mutha fuckaz name again?" Stay-C said rubbing her forehead. "Christophski " Said the fine Sick Boy. "Shit we gotta ice
dese muthas G" Kid Vicious said aiming at Henric Kunter's head. "No foo'!" Stay-C said hitting his hand and running towards
the entrance. "Who goes der" said the German Henric Kunter. "Me biatch" Sick Boy said kicking him in the face. "Yea take em
out boyz Stay-C said kicking the door in. "Leave those biatchs" Stay-C said and they all ran inside.
Inside they found Tin Tin and Bobby E and their boyz all unconcious. "Shit G whats
gone down in dis joint" Kid Vicious said looking around the room. "I fink I could guess yo" Sick Boy said as he saw a bunch
of gangstaz enter the room. "Haha yes biatchs tis I Big Bubba D up in da place, I only want her" Big Bubba D said pointing
to Stay-C "You boyz should leave...if you value your lives". "Nah fuck you G" Sick Boy said spitting in Big Bubba D's direction.
"Then so be it, Boyz" Big Bubba D said signaling his gangstaz. "Shit G" Stay-C said as one of them punched her face "Don't
make me have to kung-fu yo ass!". With that her and da boyz were bustin' caps in most of those biatchs asses. "Hey sexy tein
boyz I'm goin' afta Big Bubba D" Stay-C shouted as she watched him run out of the room (coz he was losing haha!).
As Stay-C was running she was sudenly tripped up, by Henric Kunter and Christophski.
"Nine we don't funfsig" Christophski said. "Yea we do biatchsig" said Kimbo throwing a rock at Christophski's head, knocking
him out cold. "You go ahead ya heard" she said to Stay-C "I got some unfinished business here girl" she said smiling manicly
at Henric. "Ok yo" Stay-C said running off. "So Kunter wassup you bitch ass mutha..." Kimbo started before she was rudely
interupted by Henric. "Nine nine my pretty bad language is not permitted". "Oh yea fuck dis chattin' shit" Kimbo said shooting
him in the head. "Permitt dis sucka" she said spitting on his dead body.
"Hey you punk ass mutha fucka you can't run from me" Stay-C said shooting in the
direction of Big Bubba D. "Yes I can biatch and you wont catch me I gots a helicopter waitin' for my ass" he told her. "Think
again G" Stay-C said as she watched his helicopter fly away, without him. "Shit" he said shooting at Stay-C and hitting her
in the leg. "Owwwwww, biatch, dat was so not called for yo" she said clutching her tender thigh. "Oh yea well what you gonna
said bout dis den" he said standing over her with his gun to her head. "Dis" Stay-C said simply taking her knife out and jabbing
it into Big Bubba D's heart. She watched him stumble around gasping for air. Stay-C laughed as he fell to the floor and watched
him take his last breath. "Yea yea yea dats right foo' I killed yo ass" Stay-C said triuphantly. "Hey Stay-C you good" Sick
boy said running up to her. "Yea dude all good" she said forgeting about her leg. "You bin shot girl!" Kid vicious said coming
up behind them. "Oh yea, well take me to da hospital den foo's!" Stay-C told them.
A week later Kimbo Darko was holding a party to celibrate the death on Big Bubba
D and that all her peeps were all good. "Hey Stay-C I heard you and my bro dun some crazy mad humpin'" Sick Boy said to her.
"Yea so what's it to you biatch. "Well" Kid vicious said coming up behind her "I know you and my bro was at it at some point".
"What you tryin' to say yo" Stay-C asked them. "You know " the twins both said at the same time. "Oh I no" Stay-C said grabing
each of them and running to the nearest bedroom, where they "got down" for the whole damn night, and lets just say it didn't
stop there lalala ;)
"Joel Joel" Kittie shouted running up to Joel. "Hey the gig was great" she said huffing and puffing as he finally stopped.
"Er yeah thanks, and it's ...do I know you?" he asked her, thinking that he would love to get to know her as he looked her
up and down. "Er yeah remember high school, I was really fat.....you know even geeky then you and your bro....Kittie!" Kittie
said spinning her hands around. "Oh yeah the fat mama" Joel said laughing "Well dat aint no more!". "Yeah...what?" she asked
him. "I'll call you Kitte Kat, you can roll wit me now" Joel said "c'mon". Kittie followed him. "Hey dudes" Joel said to the
rest of the group "Dis is Kittie Kat". "Hey" They all said carrying on with their business. "Er... you guys are kinda boring"
Kittie said. "Oooooooo....bleblebleble hee hee" Billy said looking up at her wide eyed "Hey" he said twisting round in his
chair to look at her. "Er your a bit creepy billy!" she said stepping away from him. "Hey biatch shut yo skinny white ass
up!" Joel said hitting him on the head "Lets bounce yo" Joel said taking Kittie's hand and leaving the room. "Me me ....me
coming me coming" Billy said jumping out of the chair. "No you druggy ass mutha fucka!" Joel said evily. "Yes yes! weeeeeeeeeeeeee
plaplapla pokapoka!" Billy said in a high pitched voice jumping up and down "I'll give you sweeties!. "Yeah.....please can
he come Joel" Kittie asked wanting some candy. " Kittie Kats go meow " Billy said giggling to himself. "Oh fine dawg...but
nobody else!" he said pointing around the room at the rest of the band who seemed to be asleep "Yeah I thought so".
"Here have a sweetie...have a joint.....there all beautiful" Billy said handing them to Kittie and then breaking into
song "You are beautiful no matter what you say whoo!". "Thanks Billy dude" Kittie said with a big smile on her face looking
over at Joel as she shoved a hand full in her mouth and chewed them up "You want one dude". "Naw I be drivin' don't disturb
me!" Joel replied focusing on the road. "Have one Joelie they're tasty maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan lalala mmmmmm" Billy told them
laying across the back seat. "Yeah pokapoka nanana" Kittie said giggling and shoving five more in her mouth and two in his mouth which he accidently swallowed and choked. "No foo's" He said swerving the car! "Billy
tell me dese aint dose happy pills biatch" he said trying to hold back his laughs grabbing more from Kitte and chewing them
up. "No no no tra lalala " He said smiling lighting up his joint and passing it to Kittie. "mmmmmmmm nice " she said inhaling
the weedy goodness. "Taste some Joel taste it Jooooooooooooooel" Kittie said placing it in him mouth, he couldn't help but
inhale a few times. "Yeah baby" Joel said turning up the radio "We are da cheeky girls, I am da cheeky thug" Joel sang along
to the cheeky song. Joel started swerving the car finding it absolutly hilarious. "Whoo whoo hahahahaha" He said, then he
lost control of the car. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" they all screamed as they crashed into
a wall. "Oh shit there goes Benji's ride yo" Joel said rolling out of the car. "What do we do now nanana?" Billy asked looking
bewildered. "We nananapopopopoptitititititititiiiiiii" Kittie said laughing loudly and spinning around. "Yeah yeah yooooooooooooooooo"
Joel said giggling. "Let's run togther" Billy said taking their hand and skipping off just before the police could arrive.
"I want sweeties" Kittie said. "Hey look G a convieniece store dey gosta be havin' shiiiiiiiiiiiit up in dis place
baybeeee!". "YAY!" Billy sqealed as they walked into the shop. "mmmmmmmmm this this and this" Kittie said picking up all the
food she could find. " Yeah me t-t-t-t-t-twooooooooo" Billy said running into the shelf knocking the contents off, and picking
up a toilet roll. "I want this one... and this one!" he said crawling round the floor and picking up an orange and a car air freshner. Then they heard Joel shout "Bus' out" and he ran out of the shop. "Hey
wait for us" Kittie and Billy both replied running after him. "Come back here crazy kids" The shop owner cried trying to run
after them. But it was too much for him as he clutched his heart and collapsed. "Ha ha, silly man"Kittie said pointing at
him like a little child. "Yeah hee hee he fell down" Billy said falling over and getting back up again. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
tramp!" Kittie screamed jumping into Joels arms. "He's looking at me, he's looking at me" She said throwing a candy bar at
him. "He's looking at me too" Billy said looking lost" ahhhhhhhhhh" he said throwing his orange at the poor smelly tramp.
"Hey G, leave da bum alonnne!".
"Raaaaaaaa" The tramp said jumping up. "Aaaaaaaah" they screamed "RUUUUUN!!!"
Joel screamed at the top of his lungs and they ran and ran. They ended up in a tatoo parlour, Billy was getting a tatoo that
said pokapoka on his thigh, Kittie was getting Kittie Kat on her arm and Joel was getting Cheeky Thug tatoo on his left buttock.
"Yeah whoooooooo cheeky thug up in da house" Joel shouted as they entered the GC castle. "Shut up Joel!!" Benji said
walking into the corridor "Oh she's still with you". "Yesssssssssasssssssassss" Billy said huging Benji. "Yeah she still be
wit us, don't hate, Kittie Kat be cool she stayin' wit us!" Joel said putting his arm around her. "Yeah forever and ever "
Billy said happily kissing Benji on the cheek. "Get of me dude!" Benji said pushing him away "Go to you room!" he said pointing
up the stairs. "No mama! It's to early" Billy cried. "Don't make me kick your boney behind!" Benji said as he started to chase
Billy up the stairs. "eek" Billy squealed throwing his arms into the air.
"So Kittieeeee! what you wanna do?" Joel asked her looking at her chest. "Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...ummmmmmm...I dunno J-J!"
she replied jumping up and down. "Hey come back here!" They heard Benji shout, and they saw Billy running across the hallway
naked! "Look at me lookie I'm flying I can Flllllllllllllllllllly" Billy shouted excitedly then they heard a loud thump "Owwwwie"
Billy said. "I told you Billy" They heard Benji shout as he dragged him into the bathroom.
"ahhhhhhh hahahahahahaha" Joel and Kittie laughed tears of amusment. "So what do ya wanna do sexy Joelie pollie?" Kittie
asked looking at him suggestively. "Have sex!" Joel told her loudly, picking her up and running up to the top of the castle,
where they had sex thousands of times and lived happily ever after. Untill Billy broke his ass trying to fly down the stairs!