The Secret Life Of STACKY ANGEL!
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*Princess Stack's Ways* (and stuff)

MOI and Jo

Yes as you all know I'm Stacky and this is a page dedicated to moi.
This is  my homiee/pet butterfly called Bob he flew into my beach house one summer day and we have been kickin' it ever since. We mainly just cotch in my palace and cruise in the ghetto. Bob was just another butterfly in the projects until he found refuge with moi...see how kind I am. And to set the record staight Bob is a boy, just because butterflies are beautiful it don't make them all gurls! I mean if there was no man butterflies how would they be able to make baby butterflies huh!? Exactly!

Bob in action

This is an important picture that shows that Benji
has obviosly bin a fan of mine 4 years as this is how u swear in Stacky cultures.

Also there is a developing Stack lingo:
  • Biatcha-cha - and extended version of bitch that sounds more exotic
  • Mutta Tuka - a cleaner version of Mutha Fucka
  • Datay C - short for dirty cunt
  • Shizzle Ma Nizzle - not mine...but we all no what this means
  • Sexylicious - a more tasty way of saying sexy
  • Worser - and easier way of saying more worse etc.


I (Stacky) am also very good friends with the people of Iran and some of there language has rubbed off on me:


  • Salam - hello
  • Chetory - how are you
  • Tor - you/your
  • Man - I
  • Kafe Sho - shut up
  • Gende - bitch
  • Nakess - bastard
  • Kosh Kesh - mutha fucka


Phrases frequently used in the stacky world:


  • You betta check yourself or You betta put yourself in check
  • Your mama!
  • Up yours
  • Don't hate appreciate
  • How dare you
  • I love/hate you
  • I'm tellin' you
  • Kiss my ass!


This is my wedding ring for the future. Well one of them, as I plan to marry about 4 guys *lalalalalaaaaaaaa*

So Purty!

'S' for me

Beautiful isn't it!!!!!

This is part of my back garden, yes this is my beach house where I stay alot of the time. It has such a beautiful view, thats reason I chose it!
I Love mest they're really funny and make good music. I saw them at the end of last year (with GC) and in march (and broke my face. They whorey perverts, but that's part of the reason I love them. oh yeah FUCK THE GREYHOUND BUS!!


Awwwww I think Benji looks so beautiful!
With his tattos and pircings...i love that hair do to man!

I think Billy has such a swwet smile & purty arms!
I reckon dat hair cut rocks, awwww lil Billy looks so cute!

fly my pretty FLY!


These are some more of the tatoos that I want, yes i know they are all beautiful and stuff. I can't wait to get them, I would have them already but my parents wont let me get them.
I saw this lovely lot in...feb I think. They're fucking amazing and I adore the lead singer Brody Dalle she's so fucking beautiful and I love her voice. Alot of people hate her now cause she was married to (the sexy) Tim Armstrong but sh left him for her own personal reasons. I don't really care about that all I know is that The Distillers ROCK!!!

The Distillers

