The Secret Life Of STACKY ANGEL!
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Family & Friends!

Yellow Spinning 5 Point Star

Everybody has family and friends...even if they don't no them (and if you don't have any family or mates i feel extremly sorry for you!), I just want to share mine with you (how touching!).

I no I've given bob a mention on another page but I just want him to no how much he means to me, I mean he's always there for me! And when I was going though a rough patch, in the money department he gave me all his saving. So you no we all need someone like bob in our lives man! 

I love my bob dude!!!!!!!!

The gurl in the middle is called Johanna and she's my best mate, i've known her for like 7 years man! She met GC she's so lucky, but don't worry I'm going to meet them day...hopefully!

Lucky biatches!!!!!!!!But Joel and Benji are gorgeous!




