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Good Charlotteness!

GC Are Very Beautiful People As You Can See. Joel Looks sexy *drools*

The Band
Name: Paul Thomas
Plays: Bass
Birthday: 5th October 1980
Hometown: Waldorf, MD
Eye Color: Brown
Present Hair Color: Blonde/black


Name/Instrument: Billy Martin
Plays: Guitar
Birthday: 15th June 1981
Hometown: Naptown, MD
Eye Colour: Blue
Present Hair Colour: Brown


Name: Benji Madden
Plays: Guitar & Vocals
Birthday: March 11th 1979
Hometown: Waldorf/Naptown, MD
Eye Colour: Brown
Present Hair Colour: Black


Name: Joel Madden
Plays: Lead Vocals
D.O.B.: March 11th 1979 (yeah him and Benji are sexy twins!)
Eye Color: Brown
Present Hair Color: Black

Name: Chris Wilson Plays: Drums


Good Charlotte are by far the best band on the face of the earth and as well as making great music they aren't to bad looking. There gigs are great and I kinda met Benji at the gig in July (*YAY*). Um yeah they were at the leeds and reading festival...and I went to reading ! It was good altho the did get bottled and booed (the BASTARDS)! My friend Johanna meet GC (lucky dog) and got us free tickets the gig they did in feb so heh heh! I'm gonna meet all of GC one day, and when that day comes I'll be extremly happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Reasons to have crazy mad love for GC:
  1. They have 2 absolutly amazing albums! (and more to come hoprfully!)
  2. They do the best live shows ever
  3. They're all h-o-t-t HOT!!!!!!
  4. They have cool clothing lines (MADE-the twins and LeVeL27-Billy)
  5. They're down to earth, and really nice to their fans
  6. They always have hot drummers
  7. They are just the best and thats that!!!!!!!


How bored do they look! I have some thing we can do boys... together *evil grin*

Lovely lovely

ohh la laa!
just one word sexylicious!

this is some fine pic! I love Benjis hair dude!

Good Charlotte rules!

this may be an old picture
but Billy looking fine!

Chris can fly!!! He's so magickal!!!

Mini Biography Thingie.
So yeah Joel and Benji played baseball, although bitches still made fun of them. And then one day they went to a gig (of like the beastie boys or something) and they just new they wanted to do the band thing and stuff, all I say is good on them! 
 So they teamed up with some mates (Aaron, Billy and Paul) and made a beautiful band called Good Charlotte. They went through alot of shit in there lives (the sexy twins mainly Because there bastard da left them and there family!) which influenced their songs. Benji taught himself the guitar (which makes him seem even more sexylicious) and you no...Joel is fine to!Sadly Aaron left the band, to do some other band or something. They got a new drummer called Dusty (who's quite fine!) or something and he wasn't permenant so he went away. Now there's a new drummer called Chris Wilson who they met at some 7-eleven store, which is cool, and yea Chris is quite sexy to la la laaaaa! I reckon GC are cool, they've been in this band for like 8 years now and stuff and I hope they're around for years to come dude! My stories probably all wrong, but thats like my version of the GC story, I mean if you want some in depth crap buy and autobiography, beacause I'm not sum obssesive ok!!!!!!!!! But I do have love for GC baybeeeee.

Look how lovely you look today. lol This picture cracks me up, Chris is such a joker. I love him!

